lila naglar och en dikt :)

Sitter och målar naglarna, lila :D har just duschat. Tror inte att jag skriver mer idag, ska snart gå och lägga mig så jag orkar upp imorn. Börjar tidigt :p men bloggar imorn, ska försöka fota lite mer och lägga in :) godnatt<3

you make me smile everytime i'm with you
when i think about you everything feels alright
like nothing can ever stop me doing what i want to do
it's you, lifting me up, keeping me safe,
and you don't even realise it.
i wish i could tell you
but that's the only thing i can't do..
you make me strong
but when i wanna tell you something
a wall of bricks comes between us
and nothing can stop it
except from one thing,
and that's the thing i'm searching for.
i know it's inside me but i just won't let it come out
my courage..
if i did, everything would be a lot easier.
maybe you would understand me,
and maybe i'll get what i want from you..
love (L)

dikt av mig :)


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